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Old 11-02-2005, 05:35 PM
ThaHero ThaHero is offline
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Default Re: Is Hold\'Em Getting More or Less Popular?

I often times scratch my head when people say "the games will dry up once all the fish go broke."

I have a whole slew of family members that play slot machines all the time. The majority of them all lose their money. But guess what? They have these things called "jobs" and these "jobs" pay them every week. Can you believe it!

Now take someone that stops playing slots and says, hey, this poker thing is cool!

They may go broke a few weekends. But guess what? They are hooked in. They get paid every week, and take a good portion of that paycheck to the casino.

More people are interested in poker than ever. Only a small percentage have the psychological ability and mental capacity to be a long term winner at poker. Now that they have a new game to play, they will keep playing.

If anyone is seriously scared about games drying up and fish going broke and never returning, they should ask themselves how Vegas is still thriving. Wouldn't all the money be gone by now?
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