Thread: Matusow
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Old 11-02-2005, 05:12 PM
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Default Re: Matusow

He's an a-hole, then again, so am I. I sometimes make fun of idiots that make stupid plays. I don't believe the crap that doing that will make them play better. THEY AREN'T CAPABLE OF PLAYING BETTER. They don't know how. If they tighten up to run me down because they're tilting and sick of hearing me, then it makes them even more predictable. Now I know they're waiting for a monster to trap me. And, usually, they're actually waiting for a monster, not trying to bluff me. It's like they want to show they know what they're doing.
In all walks of life there are pleasant people to deal with and people that are less pleasant to deal with. There are doctors with phenomenal bedside manner and other doctors that are pricks. There are teachers that are sweet, happy, and you look forward to going to their class and other teachers are mean. Some bank tellers are nice, with others you do your business and get the hell out of there. That's just life.