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Old 11-02-2005, 04:28 PM
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Default Re: Death Penalty article in 2+2 magazine

I am sure every pro-lifer and every believer will be in agreement with this. The pro-lifers because, well, they are pro life, and the believers because I suspect they would not have the arrogance to abrogate god's judgement which will come at the time of his choosing (well, according to their beliefs as I understand them).

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I think you under-(over?)-estimate believers. Catholics are against the death penalty, but most Protestant denominations I know of are for it.

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Just to be clear, the teachings of the Catholic Church on the death penalty are no against it. Its something that the Church leaves to the individual.

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I was always taught in Catholic school that the Church is completely against the death penalty, unless that is the only way to prevent more deaths. But with today's modern prison systems, that is so rarely the case as to be negligible.
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