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Old 11-02-2005, 10:56 AM
IndieMatty IndieMatty is offline
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Default Re: Wrestling Angles that worked

Also, the Survivor Series tournament where The Rock became the Corporate Champion was a booking masterpiece that set in motion the greatest 6 month run of television that I can recall.

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The preceding weeks with the Rock going tweener and fan favorite should be included, but I totally agree. Pinnacle of booking.

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Yeah. They used the entire time between SummerSlam and Survivor Series to set up for that one night. Shane-o was on Austin's side, Mankind being groomed as Vince's champ, Vince hated The Rock because he was "the People's Champ", etc... All swerves and they all worked, which seems pretty much impossible these days. Good stuff.

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I'd really like to watch this again for the first time. Like more than anything. sigh...
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