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Old 11-02-2005, 01:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: So I thought I should fold my boat...

I think you have to call the turn the majority of the time (if not three-betting). Not quite sure if I'm evaluating this correctly, but the tighter bottomset's PF three-betting range is, the more often you're ahead on the turn (sez PokerStove), in addition to the times you improve to the best hand. Also considering the size of the pot, I really don't think folding is an option. He could be raising the turn with almost anything as it's likely it hasn't connected with your possible high-cards.

Wouldn't bet-folding be better here if you're committed to calling a bet on the river? Check-calling allows for bottomset to take a free showdown with a worse A-high or busted draw, and value bet any pair he's made (as an A-high is probably calling on this board, and your play is consistant unpaired overs).

I guess it depends on his propensity to bet the river with a busted draw, or bluff-raise with the same (read dependent). But after you call the turn raise, I generally can't see him seeing you fold the river with an A or an overpair often enough.

Anyway, yeah. Just some thoughts that may or may not be completely wrong.
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