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Old 11-02-2005, 01:11 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Harry Reid is the Man

Does anyone know why they had to go into hiding, I mean "closed" session? Aren't they (The Senate) doing good works in the interest of all Americans? Shouldn't we be allowed to know how these good works come about? [ QUOTE ]

This is a very immature statement. It suggests some sort of improprietary because of a closed meeting. We could fill pages on all of the stuff the Bush admin did behind our backs. Uranium from Africa? Where?--- "DONT ASK QUESTIONS! THATS UNAMERICAN!" If secercy is so bleeping suspicious lets go talk to Rove/Bush/Cheney face to face... until that happens, keep your inuendos to yourself.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think having a closed session will only save you the embarassment of what revealed there.

[/ QUOTE ]

You think my statement suggests impropriety. I don't. What I thought and meant for it to suggest was my pissed-off-ed-ness at Senator Reid's invoking of a rarely used rule so he and his "esteemed colleagues" could do and say whatever the hell they did and said about something I am greatly interested in and concerned about and he wanted it all kept from the people that elected them.

The pages that could be filled with secrets and back room deals and BS about every friggin' administration would cause a world-wide storage shortage. Don't single out the present one.

No, it is not Un-American to ask questions. It's Un-American to stand by and let crap happen. It goes against everything this country is supposed to stand for to get elected to office and then lie, deceive and cheat, just to keep the office. It's immoral to take an oath of office and then betray that oath.

Nothing, not one damned thing that comes from any investigation, inquiry, whatever, about why we're in Iraq, who leaked what to who(m)/when or any other thing you can bring up is going to embarrass me. It may disappoint the hell out of me and some of it may even make me ashamed, but embarrass?, nope. And anyone found guilty of any crime should pay the price.

Sparky, I could not possibly care any less about your opinion of my maturity or lack thereof. And I damned sure ain't in-u-end-o-ing anything.
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