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Old 11-02-2005, 01:05 AM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Posts: 71
Default OK, so who\'s interested in ...... (Pokershare related)

Owning a piece of Ultimate Bet and Phil Helmuth's ass?

I'm serious. I am going to call my attorney in the morning.

I am going to present to him that I was offered part ownership in a web based business and that the other party renegged and STOLE my percentage of OWNERSHIP in the enterprise.

I thought I might post it here first because I know there are lawyers who play poker and read 2+2. I thought one of them would be interested in heading up a class action lawsuit against the American owners of Ultimate Bet for perpetrating this scam. UB is not based in the US, but the big names associated with it are US citizens. They can be named in a legal action and they can be sued.

I will keep you all posted on what my lawyer tells me. I will let you know when to e-mail me with your information should this get traction. If you are an attorney and reading this, please respond and tell us your opinion of what can be done to hold Pokershare accountable for stealing from it's players.


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