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Old 11-02-2005, 12:31 AM
DrunkIrish05 DrunkIrish05 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 75
Default Re: GRRRRR This crap irritates me...

he's so far off

Watching ty's wins, only rarely did notre dame look impressive. It was all smoke and mirrors, and it was very easy to see what was coming (the downfall). The almost loss to navy is a good example of this. Although nd won the game, they had to make a tough comback at the end to avoid their first loss to navy in 30+ years. However, very few nd fans were that suprised because we had all seen ND pull out win after win without ever looking better than anyone else.

Fast forward to this year, Notre Dame plays Syracuse in a few weeks, a team very similar to Navy in Ty's first year. No one expects this game to be close, and it would shock notre dame's fans if the game is close at all. This is the key difference. This year the team is impressive and looks like it will continue to be impressive. In Ty's first year it was just pulling out close win after close win with no offense whatsoever, just relying on timely turnovers. No one really believed this could continue for any considerable period of time. Some alum made a quote that said this best after the usc game this yea(i can't find it right now) it went something like "For the first time in a very long time I can expect the Irish to go out and win every week, and that's a good feeling." Winning wasn't expected with Ty and is with Weis and that's the difference.

Also, Whitlock tries to make the point that Weis got lucky having Quinn already there. This actually is one of the biggest points for Weis, look at how bad Quinn was for Ty and how good he is now. Molding a player so quickly into such a force (quinn showed only moderate improvement in 2 years with TY), is another huge point in Weis' favor.

Or I could just answer this with my buddy's away message right now...
"Why Weis, but not Willingham?"...
because Willingham [censored] sucked. that's why.
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