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Old 11-01-2005, 11:16 PM
addickt addickt is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 50
Default Re: To Atheists or Agnostics with children......

Thanks for the posts... Maybe I am just weak, but I dont know how anyone can honestly say that they wouldnt feel better about the thought of dying if they believed there to be an afterlife..

I pray with her, not for myself, but because I dont want her to go through life fearing death the way that I have. I want her to have the most enjoyable life possible.

I liken it to Santa Claus I Guess, of course we all know that there is no such thing, but most of us dont tell our children that immedaitely because it adds something to their lives believing in it..

Telling her that there is no God, Or I believe there is not, is much less a lie... I know for a Fact that there is no Santa, but none of us are 100% sure that there is not a God.

Maybe my situation is different, I lost a lot of people very close to me at a young age, that coupled with my non belief ( I have never believed, even when I was very young) has caused me great emotional stress and undue anxiety over death and the finality of it.

I suppose its kind of like ignorance is bliss, but I am fairly sure that believers of some type of afterlife (while maybe less analytical or even rational) are happier and more at peace when someone they love dies and when there own demise approaches.
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