Thread: For Pro-Choice
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Old 11-01-2005, 10:44 PM
Mroberts3 Mroberts3 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 55
Default Re: For Pro-Choice

I say none of us can really answer this question unless we know the argument. I think the question was well intentioned, but without a specifc argument to look at its asking the wrong question.

For my 2 cents im curious to hear what exactly is a well constructed CONSTITUTIONAL argument against abortion. There are many religious and moral reasons, but dont't conservatives take a strict view of the constituiton? If we can regulate abortions, what is to stop us from prohibiting interacial marriages, sex changes, or other such matters? It is dangerous precedent to decide that the state should have an intimate involvment in personal matters of sex, reproduction etc.
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