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Old 11-01-2005, 09:04 PM
benkahuna benkahuna is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
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Default Re: To Atheists or Agnostics with children......

I certainly fall somewhere between these two beliefs.. My logical mind simply cannot justify accepting fairy tales as truth in the abscence of ANY REAL data..

That being said, believing that there is nothing after death is not very pleasant.. To be quite honest I wish I were a "sheep" like many of these people and could become a believer.

THe thought of death as the absolute end of my existence is downright petrifying.. Which brings me to this.....

I am facing a disease which almost certainly will kill me within the next 8 years ( IM only 31) and I have a 2 year old daughter...

I absolutely want her to believe in God as my life would likely have been a lot easier, and the dying process certainly less anguishing If I believed in God. In no way, shape or form do I want her to anguish over the thought of death being final ( even if I do). Certainly most of her beliefs will be formed by herself, or after I am gone but nonetheless I dont know how I will answer her questions.

Right now, I pray with her every night, even though I have never prayed Until I had her.

I am just curious what you guys tell your children.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd be honest with her about how you feel. But, put a positive spin on things. Children respect honesty and it's more likely to lead to good personal growth. I greatly respect your desire to protect your daughter. But, lying is usually not a good way to do it. Even just telling her you're unsure what happens when you die is okay. Spend time with her, help her grow, and give her some positive experiences to focus upon prior to your passing.

Religion is only a mild comfort with death and depending upon how your daughter develops will determine her response.

I'm also really sorry to hear that you've got a likely terminal disease. I say likely because I'm holding out for a cure.
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