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Old 11-01-2005, 06:25 PM
Disconnected Disconnected is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: You guys playing cards?
Posts: 231
Default Re: Are we doin MLL this week?

This sums up my feelings pretty well. Pax, I'd like to add my thanks as well. I didn't play in too many matches, and didn't win any, but I still really enjoyed and found them thought provoking. I don't think that the stakes influenced the seriousness of the play, although it probably contributed to the availability for some people.

For me at least, since poker isn't going to affect my overall financial status, it wasn't about the $$, at least, but about the learning. If I weren't putting in an insanely stupid amount of time at work right now, I certainly would have played more. My last match was cut short at about 300 hands when Comcast went dead on me. Aaron W, hopefully you'll let me finish that match with you regardless of league status!

If you guys see Disconn33 online during non-work hours (Pacific time), it usually means I can play, so feel free to IM me whether or not the league is in session.

Anyway, back to Pax, I have no idea if everyone is like me and just made no time at all to play, or if I'm in the minority. But whatever, thanks for your effort in putting this together and for the idea/initiative in general to promote a different sort of experience. Even if the league falls through, it was still an awesome idea, and you did something about it, so thanks again.
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