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Old 11-01-2005, 05:54 PM
chadplusplus chadplusplus is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 42
Default Re: The Experiment on Doyles Room

After cashing out of PP in June for two reasons 1) to force myself to study for the bar and 2) to support myself during that same period, and followed by no significant income (as of yet), I was pokerless.

Well bored one night, I checked out my old accounts at UB and Pacific. Well, I found $2.60 at UB (with like $20 in bonus still sitting there).

I played at the .01/.02 tables (rake free zone so I didn't start earning the bonus) but it was actually semi decent poker. Sixty percent seeing flop 2-3 people at showdown and regular betting (wasn't capped on every street), I was surprised as I also expected play money style of play.

So the .01/.02 wasn't exactly playing against pros, but it was a little bit similar to party .50/1.00.

Once I got to $10, I jumped to .05/.10 tables and began to earn the bonus. Those tables were similar to the .01/.02. These tables are very easy to beat merely by being a TAG. I think I had an AF of over 3.00 for a while (flop AF was like 4.5). I had a friend join UB and got his referral bonus (a measly $25, but it helped). Well, I'm back in business now and very happy.

Point is, its doable... but starting with .03 (or whatever it was) might be tough.

Too bad they don't have .0001/.0002

Edit: when playing at these limits, always refer to winning sessions by the number of BBs won... cause "Hey, I won $2.43 last night playing poker." doesn't compare to "I won 120 BBs last night."
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