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Old 11-01-2005, 05:16 PM
PJS PJS is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 68
Default Re: PICK YOUR TOP 6 BOOKS! I need advice.

All the books you are thinking of getting are well worth the investement, so it all depends if you have the money to get them all at once, or whether you need to save in advance.

However, if you want to work on n/l then the obvious choice is to get the Harrington books. If you plan to continue with limit poker, then get TOP and Weighing the Odds (although if you are playing $1/2, then I'd suggest sticking with SSHE for now). If you want to work on the psychological aspect of the game, then go for POP and Ace on the River.

I would look to get all the books you mentioned when you can.It basically comes down to what area of poker you intend to focus on at the moment, and how much money you have available to spend.

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