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Old 11-01-2005, 04:57 PM
CORed CORed is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 273
Default Re: Do we really need two shift keys?

Does anyone use the one on the right side of the keyboard?

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I do. But then, I learned how to type on a manual typewriter. With those, you had to snap your wrist as you hit the key to get enough force to make the bar hit the paper, so it wasn't really practical to use the same hand you were typing with to work the shift key. Also, it took some force and a fair amount of motion to get the shift key all the way down. If you didn't push the shift key all the way down, your capital letter would end up higher than the other letters in the line, or if you really missed, it, you ended up with the lower case letter lower that the rest of the line, or half a lower case letter below the line and half a capital above the line. When I first used electric typewriters, and later, computers, I would often catch myself snapping my wrist and banging the keys much harder than necessary.
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