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Old 11-01-2005, 03:59 PM
pooh74 pooh74 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 316
Default Re: Challenging the basics behind ICM

u don't understand ICM

ICM doesn't have anything to do with opponents or reads or cards or anything

All ICM does is tell u the equity that a chipstack has in the tournament prize pool based on the stack sizes of everyone at the table

that's it

we then use calling ranges, reads, probability, etc to determine the possible chip stack outcomes if we push/call vs if we fold...we then use ICM to see what our equity would be in those various outcomes...if the equity average (Weighted by probability of each outcome occuring) is higher when we push/call than the equity of us folding, then we say it's +$ev to push/call

nobody relies solely on ICM because all ICM does is tell u the equity of a chip stack

the better u read the players and determine what they will do, the better you give accurate probabilities of the outcome, so the more often u will make the correct move

nobody emphasizes ICM over anything else, as it is merely an equity calculator...

[/ QUOTE ]

Very nice!
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