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Old 11-01-2005, 12:13 PM
goodguy_1 goodguy_1 is offline
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Default Re: Paradise Software Question who bought out Paradise last year is the one to blame for this crap.

These are all known recurring issues that have not been acknowledged by customer service. Fuggin idiots -to let these problems fester for a full year.

All these issues are real and have plagued the software for the last 9 months at least.

I know because I've played at Paradise daily for 3 years.

Paradise had great customer service pre-SportingBet now they act like clueless idiots.

How fuggin hard is to get a multibillion corporation to address known issue with their software and fix it for good. These guys dont even acknowledge the problem-it's infuriating.

Known issues:
- Hand histories during peak times can be 15 minutes to 5 hours late.

-Tables are continuously dropping in and out of the Lobby sometimes dissappearing for up to an hour or more.

-waitlists that dont function correctly for a bunch of reasons ..too many to explain..

I'm so tired of bitching about this stuff. SportingBet bought Paradise out and has let the client rot.

Only good thing about the place is that the games got better when Sportingbet bought them out.. But the software has turned to crap under SportingBet.

Paradise had a major upgrade about 3 weeks ago that added turbo tables-ccol stuff...problems is they didnt fix the problems that are basic to a functional online poker room.

Now here's the thing ..these issues only really effect serious players ie multi-tablers,people that table-hop often and nits that want constant updating of their PokerTracker stats.
If Paradise just put hh's on your hard-drive like Stars and Party that would autmatically eliminate the issue with delayed hh's.

The Lobby issues/wait-lists issues are one in the same.The waitlists cant function and register you at a tables becuase they tables are constantly disappearing from the Lobby ...are these latency issues I dont know not my specialty-but it makes the Lobby almost unusable if you are an active mult-tabling pro.

Maybe they are ignoring us for a reason..maybe they dont want to appease multi-tabling grinders. Either way they have software developers that are not fixing the problem either intentionally or not. I cant understand why they would let these issues persist.

Paradise seems to not want to recognize the educated player. They never post on 2+2 and in general just dont seem to give a shhit. This is what happens when an online casino/sportsbook buys out a poker room..They still think its ok to treat the players like dirt--dumb phuckers that they are they dont understand that poker players are not the same as the losers that populate their sportbook and casino.
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