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Old 11-01-2005, 05:56 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night

Im a trainer, and I pmed you about helping ya out, if you choose not to, thats fine.

Above two posters are almost absolutely correct, but you cant cut out all fats, and six meals a day is one too many, as five well-spaced out meals do just as well metabolically, and are easier for most people to stand.

I would suggest one thing, and it might receive negative feedback from these guys: Completely, and I mean completely stop your carb intake over the next 3 days. Everything from ketchup to candy has got to go.

My reasoning behind this is simple... with your bad eating habits, you still have plenty of lipids in your system, and your body will not react as quickly to a diet. However, if you shock your body with no carbs, it will put you in a better state to start losing pounds.

Next thing: absolutely drink one gallon of water, at least, per day. At first, if you have to, try adding crystal light to it, or kool-aid with splenda, but try to get to water.

An easier way to do this is to carry a 20 oz. bottle arond with you, and fill it whenever it empties.

Next, uber important: Work out in the morning. Before you eat. Drink a 20 oz of water, and get out there, this way there are no carbs in your system, pure fat burn.

And I know the term "working out" is daunting, but for starts, just maintain motion for 30-45 minutes... walking is perfect. Did you know that bodybuilders often walk for cardio? You can work up to harder things later.

Just pm me, we'll get this straightened out. And Im really looking forward to your first pics, and finally you crahhhshing your asthma inhalahh vith your ahhhnold mascles.
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