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Old 10-31-2005, 09:57 PM
J LU J LU is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 84
Default Bruised and Battered..I\'m Back!

(Warning - Some may find this of Low Content)

First, I would like to thank all that take the time to read this. This is a request for some help and ideas on how I need to best proceed to improve my game.

A brief history:

I started playing Hold'em in 1999, shortly after Canterbury Downs opened up here in Minnesota. Prior to that, I had played the plethora of home game variations such as jacks or better, 7 stud, low & high Chicago, low hole, guts, etc. Won some, lost some…playing with no clear action plan and relying strictly on luck. It was once I started playing some a Canterbury that I realized that Hold'em could be played profitably, if I only knew where to turn. One day I ran into a guy at the card room that introduced me to Sklandsky, and other authors, as well as Card Player magazine. I started reading incessantly. I'm not a dumb guy, and I was able to realize early on that most profitable players play tight and aggressive. Wanting to be a profitable player, I curtailed my starting hand requirements and brought my starting hand requirements all the way down to probably 30-40%, and started playing more fit or fold. What most might consider a bonefied fish. I was winning some, losing some…overall losing but felt like I was an overall winner on nights that I would leave up $700.

Fast forward to May 2004:

I'm playing a free roll on EP and no one else shows up to the table but one other guy and me. We are bleeding off the non-show blings - taking turns, and doing some freindly chatting. Middle of the tourney he asked me if I was "brown trout". I of course respond with a "???". He then says "2+2r?". I say "what's that" and he spells it out "". Which let me to this site, and consequently this very long post.

I started reading the post. Read SSH and purchased PT. It all started to click and I started making money, consistently, for the first time in my poker career. Brought my VPIP down to 21% and was making 2.5/100 with over 30,000 hands (I only play one table at a time). Significant data? I think so. I really saw a change in my win rate and was definitely winning more than losing. On a great streak, probably had something to do with it, but I don't think that was all of it.


I am down almost 1000 BB in the last 6 months (another 35,000 hands). Obviously something is broken. Yeah, I’ve been beaten with the 7-2’s with AA my fare share, but it is more than just a bad streak.

My biggest leaks:

1 – playing hands longer than I need to. (24/9.6/2.81 total after 73k hands…WTDS 40…W$ASD 43) ???
2 – spewing chips when I am short handed…after a blind/steal attempt or defending a blind with a hand like KJs too aggressively.
3 – tilting after a bad beat
4 – recognizing all of my other leaks
5 – battered confidence. (This is the major reason for the post in psychology rather than the General forum) (Flame at will)

My plan of action:
1 – I just finished SSH Hold’em again. It seems to have helped. I have reduce some of the blind aggression (i.e. 3 betting AK’o with the Ad and a flop of 7d 7c 8d. I plan to read some of the other books on my shelf that have been collecting dust.
2 – I will be much more active posting hands in SS. It was working so well in that past that I decided to quit.
3 - No more “heavy” drinking and poker. “'nough” said.

A favor I ask of you:

I know that from time to time I can be a real “donk”. There are other times that I am a maestro on the table. Everything is played perfectly (or is it just the cards?). Unfortunately, I lack consistency on all kinds of tables. I actually play better with several TAG’s on the table than a table full of LAGs or LAPs. Do not be afraid to flame me. I will not only post hands that I have burnt on. No one likes to read bad beats from anyone. I will try and keep an open mind. This is a great forum and I will respect any poster comments that take the time to read, and respond, to any of my posts.
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