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Old 10-31-2005, 07:30 PM
ddubois ddubois is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 97
Default Re: No balls in my son\'s sack. He\'s 6. Surgery needed?

I should think that being a virgin and knowing that ballsacks contain balls are fairly distinct.

But that's not the purpose of my post. I wanted to talk about a related experience I had. When I was young, I remember going to the doctor. I have no idea how old I was - maybe 7, maybe 12, I really don't know. I remember the doctor feeling around my nuts. This was very uncomfortable. I did not like some old guy feeling around my nuts. His hands were cold. Understandly, I tensed up, and the act of doing so caused some mucles constracting that lifted my testicles upwards. (BTW, I can still do this. Everyone can do this, right? I assume I'm not some testicular-lifting freak, if I am, let me know.) Anyways, this doctor ends up telling my mom that I have some condition where my testicles haven't descended or are partially descended or something like that. Fortunately, nothing further was done and no one tried to cut me around there. Whether this is because my doctor said not to worry and revist the issue later, or because my mother was smart enough (or negligent enough) to ignore him, I don't know.
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