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Old 10-31-2005, 05:55 PM
Sabrazack Sabrazack is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Sweden
Posts: 312
Default I call upon the power of OOT...

I felt this is a situation so dire that i must ask for the aid of the OOTiots.

Met a girl saturday, she asks for my number. She gets it, we send a shitload of text messages back and forth today. I call her like two hours ago, we decide to meet up tomorrow. Thing is, she wants us to meet where she lives, which is in the middle of nowhere. Litterally.

It's a small village in the middle of the Swedish woods. Not much to do there i guess, so she suggests i bring a movie to watch. And im like, "ok, what kinda movies do you usually like". She answers "i like alot of different movies of different types". So i ask "is there anything you really hate to watch", she answers "nothing i can think of right now".

I figured i may as well hire three movies since that makes my chance of finding a suitable which she has not watched better. Problem is, what three movies do i pick?
Brainstorm please, and maybe give me a very short two liner what the movie you are suggesting is about.

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