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Old 10-31-2005, 05:29 PM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Default White Nationalism as a Cultural Backlash

Hi Everyone,
First off, I want to state it is not my intention here to start a flame war. I merely would like to post some observations of mine and get some feedback from the learned denizens of the board. It is not my intention to debate racism or if there is racism or if racism is wrong or who is racist. All of that is tangent to the subject. If you want to call anyone racist, please do it in another thread.

I saw an article recently (in the past few weeks) on ABC news that was about a set of twins, thirteen years of age, who sang about white supremecy. This struck me that there were enough people out there who were politically oriented in such a way as to be a fan base for these girls. Now given, that they are largely driven by their parents whose motivation, at least one of which, is monetary. That got me to thinking.

There are some parallels in history between the situation in Germany pre WWII and the situation in the US. I am speaking in terms of foriegn relations, not economically. Although, economically speaking, if there were a sudden depression, the white nationalist movement would probably try to find some traction in blaming affirmative action in one form or another. Back to international relations, thought, the Germans felt that the world was literally against them prior to WWII and the same case could be made for America today. Couple that with the very real feeling that there is institutionalized racism against white people in America today, and you have a recipe for a political movement that could become a permanent fixture in the political landscape, just as MLK Jr. made the Civil Rights movement an institution in politics.

I know that white nationalism has been around for some time. I hate to cite hollywood, but the movie American History X comes to mind whenever I think about it. This was a very well done film and the impetus for Edward Norton's character to become a NeoNazi was in fact a result of his father's death, which he viewed as being caused by affirmative action hiring practices. I use the reference soley as an illustration of what I am trying to get across. I can think of several other anecdotal type stories from white males I know about their run ins with affirmative action policies.

Questions for the board:
Is White Nationalism on the rise in America?

Is this a direct result of the Civil Rights movement and the Quota and Affirmative Action laws that have been instituted in this country?

How long before politicians begin courting White Nationalists as a voting block?


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