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Old 10-31-2005, 03:56 PM
I.Rowboat I.Rowboat is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: S.F. Bay Area
Posts: 36
Default Re: Guys, it\'s not about the money or the 9K swing, thats not it at all


First, let me say that I have enjoyed your posts here. Some were pretty brash, but overall I find you to be a refreshing alternative to the relentless sarcasm that seems to dominate the M-H Limit forum. Please continue posting.

You haven't really asked for any advice in this thread, but I'll offer some anyway: as you indicate in your OP, buy PokerTracker (and probably PokerAce Heads Up Display) and learn to use it/them religiously. Not using PT + PAHUD when your opponents are is a HUGE leak. Beyond the obvious statistical relevance, PAHUD will also reveal the mucked hole cards of any opponents who are still in the hand at showdown. Want to see who calls down a river bet with A high...or worse? PAHUD will reveal that to you...and will also reveal that info to your opponents. So it is a double edged sword, but it's one you need to have to be competitve at this level. Buy it, learn it, use it, and accept it as part of your life if you play on a site that is compatible with PT.

Another advantage of PT is that you will get a completely unbiased view of your own tendencies, and the tendencies of your opponents. I used to think that I was fairly tight, but my PT stats convinced me otherwise and gave me reason to examine my play in a fresh light, especially PF and blinds defense, and this really helped my game.

Alternatively, you can play on sites that are NOT (currently) compatible with PT (e.g., Bodog, others). This at least will level the playing field in this critical area.

Anyway, don't lose heart. You need confidence to play at this level, and you should fall back and regroup until you feel confident in your game again.
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