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Old 10-31-2005, 11:49 AM
LordBP LordBP is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 52
Default Re: taking someones SATs for them, for a fee

I certainly wouldn't suggest this. I just took the SAT <a month ago and this is some serious measures in place to prevent crap like this. Unless you can get a perfect fake, I wouldn't try it and I doubt I would anyways.
First you have to sign in and present ID. Then you go to a room and have to present ID again. Then you have to leave your ID on your table the entire test. Also you have to sign that you certify that you are the person on the test. Then there is a handwriting section that you have to write a paragraph in cursive to state that you are the one taking the test and that you haven't cheated and such. Plus the whole writing section where you get exactly what you wrote back with your scores. So it would be impossible for him to show anyone he knew his essay.
I don't know if they match these up against anything or what but it wouldn't be hard to get caught.
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