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Old 10-31-2005, 09:22 AM
einbert einbert is offline
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Default Re: Common traits between Magic the Gathering + poker players?

I have seen how the tournaments work, some decks are better against others, and thats just the way it is, that why they have a sideboard so as to try and counteract this.

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In both poker and magic you need to 'adjust' to your opponents. In magic you have a sideboard for tuning your deck, so that it stands a better chance against your opponent's deck. In poker you either play looser or more aggressive depending on your opponent's playing style.
Therefore both in Magic and poker metagaming is very important. So a good Magic meta gamer MIGHT be a good poker meta gamer: he adjusts to the table's playing style.
I say MIGHT BE, since it certainly is not true for me.

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I like this take.

I also liked what someone said about "not being able to throw away hands" in regard to players who don't mulligan often enough in magic. I have never really thought about it that way, interesting perspective.

Good thread, if I think of something original to add I will.
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