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Old 10-30-2005, 11:56 PM
Hiding Hiding is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 99
Default Re: thinking about going into isolation

Not in the last 10 years. The challenge is a lot of what intrigues me.

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Its suprisingly easy, well with a grocery nearby and civilization.

Buy a tent, waterproof the hell out of the seems (this is key) and take a weekend off at a state/national park. You'll have showers and a bathroom and feel amazingly isolated.

It will cost you $30 for the campsite and $100-$150 for the tent. but you'll either love it or hate it and the relaxation/introspective (sp? or hell even a word?) is priceless if you enjoy it.

Do the whole mess, campfire, cook some hot dogs, drink a crap load of beer and stare at the stars. I highly enjoy it and it changes my prespective on life everytime.
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