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Old 10-29-2005, 12:09 PM
curtains curtains is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 240
Default Re: 44 from the BB in a $555 Stars Turbo

Geez doesnt anyone here have SNGPT?

Against a typical range by a good player who will raise on the button with a minimum of all the hands they should raise with, this is a relatively simple call. Being that the buyin is $500, its a lot more likely they will be raising with the range of hands that we need to make this +EV.

For instance against the following range, which is tighter than almost anyone at the $500s would be:


it's +.2 EV to call. The looser the range gets, the more +EV it is to call. Why there are 5 pages of responses without one single person attempting to plug the numbers into SNGPT, I have no idea.

Folding isn't "terrible" however, as the EV difference is at least relatively close, but I sure wouldn't fold...
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