Thread: Learning...
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Old 10-29-2005, 11:12 AM
mplspoker mplspoker is offline
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Default Re: Learning...

No they aren't. They are taking everything the wrong way. They take comments about Tommy (which maybe true) personally (for some reason), then try to get in arguements about life (point of life / happiness) when all we are talking about here is how to make a living... Then call me an idiot because i tell them this is a business.. follow the money you'll find who/who isn't successful.... Personally, if this was in person there is not a chance in hell this would even be a long conversation.

In the real world let's say you are a stock broker.. you say I'm making X (spending identical time)... your making 1/2X (spending the same amount of time).. X is either better at his job or smarter, etc. end of story. I know thats blunt, thats the way the world works. I accept the fact that many players are better than me at poker, but don't make excuses for why I'm not making more, etc.... And I don't expect others to either. 90%+ people if had the choice to make more $$ doing the same thing they are doing would do it. The reality is ... some people are capable and some people aren't. A lot aren't actually capable. Everyone here has listened to idiots in poker rooms talk about how they always lose online and win in the casino.. and know in the back of their mind are thinking.. no you just suck at poker, but are able to grind out a small profit against complete retards that are sitting at a live table with you, but when the margin is smaller you will lose your ass...
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