Thread: New Drug Poll
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Old 10-29-2005, 05:57 AM
BluffTHIS! BluffTHIS! is offline
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Default Re: New Drug Poll

My post copied from the other poll thread:

I said in a recent post in another thread that I have only smoked pot a couple times many years ago and didn't particularly like it. Nor do I drink often. Having said that, and considering myself a conservative christian, I nonetheless would be willing to see marijuana, cocaine and a few other drugs legalized. Part of this is because I don't like the hypocrisy of alcohol being an accepted drug in society while others are not, when alcohol is just as detrimental to one's health and family and life as are others when taken to the extreme of alcoholism. And given that reason, I see no need to have the situation where organized crime enriches itself and perpetuates an endless cycle of violence that is associated with the drug trade.

HOWEVER, just as with alcohol, use of those legal drugs while driving and performing other actions where there is a serious risk of injuring others should be punished harshly.

So for all you pro-legalize people, in exchange for legalization, would you be willing in the same legislation for there to be a penalty of 3 years mandatory incarceration for driving while under the influence (or flying, operating machinery, etc.)? Under the influence defined by having used in the past 4 hours and just like with driving under the influence of alcohol, an officer's word as to that is good in court in absence of a blood test that was refused. 3 years. No ifs, ands or buts. And it doesn't matter if you are the governor of a state or some lowlife unemployed druggie. Would you take that deal?

Oh, and employers still don't have to hire or keep in employment those that use drugs. It's their business and if you use drugs you just can't work in certain jobs.
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