Thread: Learning...
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Old 10-29-2005, 05:50 AM
adsman adsman is offline
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Default Re: Learning...

Bike .. you need a reality check. Believe or not ... most people who are teachers in business at universities if had the opportunity/money/desire/drive would be doing something different if they could. I'm trying to be a prick here just telling you that people work for $$ in life .... If most people had the choice of doing whatever they want when they wake up... Many would be doing something different.. People have obligations kids/family/bills/etc. these things are important. The reason people get paid for jobs is because nobody else would do it for a dollar less.. that is economics supply/demand.

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I teach languages at a university in Trento, Italy part time. I could earn 5 times the money that I earn working in the business sector here but I would have to work more than 5 times the hours that I presently work to get that money.

Plus I would have to work with the usual bunch of pricks in the business world, where instead I work in a lovely campus with great bunches of kids with whom I have made of lot of valuable friendships.

Plus I have a lot of free time which I use to travel, play poker, snowboard in the mountains where I live, read, enjoy life.

I could be doing something different as you say, but why on earth would I want to? I'm not going to berate you but I will say that I do feel sorry for you. I can only hope that one day you will look back on what you've written here and sigh with relief that you managed to break out of the life-rut which you are presently in.

By the way, the vast majority of people in a life-rut of this type are in denial so they have no idea that the way that they think and view the world might have something wrong with it. Which makes breaking out of the rut extremely difficult. Good luck.
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