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Old 10-29-2005, 01:16 AM
UATrewqaz UATrewqaz is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Posts: 276
Default Re: How long to win money?

If you can't beat 1/2 you should go down to .5/1 (or lower)

Shorthanded is a different ball of wax than full. Full is easier to learn initially as most books and strategy are designed for full (parts of books talk about shorthanded of coruse).

Get and read Theory of Poker and Small Stakes Hold Em if you have not (I'm assuming you play limit and not NL).

You should bonus whore alot early on to build up an nice roll that can withstand the learning process.

And you should be using Poker Tracker if you plan on being serious about playing. The newer you are the more it helps.

And last my best piece of advice, realize that no matter how good or great you get poker is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes many thousands of hands and many hours of play to see substantial results. There IS money to be made but it is alot of work/discipline and comes in slowly usually... and there WILL be downswings.
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