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Old 10-28-2005, 09:55 PM
sweetjazz sweetjazz is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Rhode Island
Posts: 95
Default Re: TT - My first 5/10 hand

I think this is a hard hand. I think you can learn a few things from it. First, it's so important to have reads. (I am not criticizing you for not having one here, but rather just pointing how profitable they are.) As you move up in limits, players are less likely to play erratically. If you had played several hands with this opponent, you could have a better sense of how loose/tight he is and how aggressive/passive he is. Would he always raise the flop with an A? Would he call the flop with 99? Will he check behind on the river without a strong hand? The more information you have, the easier your decision would have been (though it could still have been tough).

Also, while 3-betting this hand from the blinds is certainly an option, so is just calling. To be honest, I typically prefer to 3-bet and take the lead, but calling and seeing the flop has its merits. I would be more likely to call had the raise come from an earlier position.

The river card of a Q is pretty good for you, though that doesn't mean you should check/call the river. But consider that the likely hands he could have that beat you are (1) KK or JJ (many players are showdown bound with these hands no matter what), (2) a weak ace, or (3) a queen. The river queen makes (3) less likely. OTOH, what hands could he have that will call the turn with and bet the river? Would he play 99 this way? 33? KJ? JT? I doubt it, and most players are usually scared by an ace.

I think all of the possible lines are pretty close. Your line is not that bad, given that you have no reads. Betting the turn is close, but a lot of players would peel with a gutshot and then fold the turn unimproved. (If you had 99 instead of TT, it would be more likely that your opponent could have a gutshot and so it might be more profitable to bet the turn with 99 than TT.)

Good luck with 5/10 and make sure you focus on getting reads.
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