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Old 10-28-2005, 09:02 PM
I.Rowboat I.Rowboat is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: S.F. Bay Area
Posts: 36
Default Re: Novermber Goals Post

I made several small, fundamental changes to my game in August and have had great success since;

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care to share?

I ask because I did the same thing, my changes were:
- steal less
- defend less
- call down less with big unimproved aces

I made these adjustments after my first 30-40k hands of SH and I couldn't be happier. just curious what type of adjustments you made.

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I tightened up my game, primarily PF, while also ratcheting up my aggression. I am playing position much more carefully, and exploiting positional mistakes by opponents much more vigorously. I'm also giving more respect to EP PF raisers (when warranted) -- I'm folding a lot more hands to an EP raise than I used to, and this may be my single biggest improvement. I have natural LAG tendencies, which I've fought to overcome, and I feel that as a result I am a more solid, much tougher player. Basically, I'm playing fewer pots and winning more of them. Like I said, fundamental stuff. I think I've been playing well post-flop for several years, but I had some obvious leaks in my PF game (e.g., a sweet tooth for suited connectors and small pairs OOP), and I have worked to plug these.

I only play for a few hours each night, and only 2-3 tables, so even 10k hands would be a huge month for me; 6k-8k is probably average. If you can accept stats on such a small sample size, I'm averaging 3.6 bb/100 at $15-$30 to $30-$60, mostly in full ring games. These stats are probably meaningless, but they are all I have to go on; if I'm not a winning player, I'm sure I'll find out in the next 6-12 months. In monetary numbers (and I know it's crass to talk about money, so I apologize, but it's the yardstick I've been using) I'm up $14k since August, and the rise has been consistent. This includes two 100BB downswings. I am eager to get in more hours to validate these numbers, but between work, kids, and not completely ignoring my wife, a few hours most nights is about the best I can do.

Anyway, sorry for the lengthy testimonial, but I wanted to give a complete answer.
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