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Old 10-28-2005, 04:01 PM
jaxmike jaxmike is offline
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Posts: 636
Default Re: Libby indicted - five counts

What facts do you want?

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I think that I was perfectly clear. Give me facts to back up your claims.

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Um, ok. How about you just go read the way this issue was covered in the press. Why is it that Rove's name was always involved? Why was his name always first? You want me to prove a conspiracy without the power to call people to testify? Can't do it. Give me power, I will do my best to prove my claims. I am speaking mainly through circumstantial evidence that is widely available if you wish to look for it as opposed to ignore it. As for the stuff about the Dem. party, I will submit for exibit A Cindy Sheehan B Howard Dean C George Soros D CBS E the guy who actually faked the Natl. Guard stuff. There is way more stuff out there, but the fact is that the Dems that run the party are WAY out of touch with the typical Dem voter, but right in goose stepping line with the Dem base. As for my assertion that they never offer solutions, only a litany of complaints I submit the fact that I can't find any information from the Dems on how to fix just about anything.
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