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Old 10-28-2005, 03:50 PM
theweatherman theweatherman is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 82
Default Re: Why do people love israel so much??

Holy crap you have no idea what you're talking about. The Arabs subjugated the Jews for centuries. Significant Jewish populations in many Arab nations, such as Syria, no longer exist due to mistreatment, as just one example.

Moreover, "the Jews" are not subjugating Arabs. Assuming the truth of your hypothesis, Israel is. There is a significant difference. "The Jews" that are not in Israel are not doing anything to "the Arabs" other than predominantly living in peace with them.

And "the Jews" have a long, long way to go before their "subjugation" of any Arab population matches what Arab nations -- let alone much of the world -- has done to the Jews that lived among them.

I just find this marked dislike for Israel very befuddling. The Hutus killed millions of Tutsis, and nobody said or did anything. The Sudanese are murdering and raping other Sudanese, and nobody cares. It took years before anyone responded to the crap that went on in Bosnia, and even today the US is criticized for intervening. Yet Israel -- which reasonably can be considered to be trying to protect itself from annihilation at worst and, at a minimum, terrorism -- takes actions against a relatively small population of Palestinians, at least some of whom are members of terrorist organizations, actions which I don't disagree may be extreme or violent, and the world jumps up and down screaming bloody murder.

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Basically your saying that the Israelis should be allowed to get and eye for an eye? That sounds like a great way to guide international politics. Give Israel free reign until they cross the limit of their own persecution?? That makes absolutly no sense.

your examples are so perfect. Every one is a situation created by imperialism, as israel is. In everyone of these examples there are terrible situations brought on by imperialism. The violence caused by the existence of Israel is just another ill brought on by imperialism.
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