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Old 10-28-2005, 02:35 PM
citanul citanul is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 64
Default 6s v 11s something i\'m sick of

you know, i'm sure i've used the line before myself, but i've been seeing it a lot lately and frankly i think it just sucks.

the line is "first of all you need to stop playing the 6s immediately, and move to the 11s, the rake is the same and the opponents aren't (meaningfully) better."

note: i have much less problem with "you should stop playing the 6s immediately and move to the pokerstars (or other sites) 5.5s."

the fact is that some people may have an amount of money they want to play with, and stakes they are comfortable playing at, and really, while it's nice to explain to them that if they are comfortable playing a higher stakes game, then the 11s offer a rake break relative to the 6s, some people just don't want to use or can't use, or whatever, twice as much money in order to fund playing twice the stakes.

while the intent of the statements are actually helpful, they're often phrased as "you're such an idiot because you're playing game A while game B is available" instead of "if you are interested in game B, you should know that it's a better value than game A," or something like that, and the only thing that's sure to happen from that is a) people who actually just have a small bankroll and want to work their way up will be insulted and think you're elitest and b) people who actually have a small bankroll and want to work their way up will feel shitty about themselves.

so i propose that people stop and think about what they're saying from time to time.

that's all.

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