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Old 10-28-2005, 09:03 AM
chezlaw chezlaw is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: London, England
Posts: 58
Default Re: Is there inherent, observable randomness in the universe?

Hi Kevin

Thanks for the thoughful reply. I'n not pushing any non-local agenda here and I'm well beyong my knowledge of QM and relativity.

However, QM and some of its wierder phenomena remind me strongly of something else that is compatible with classical physics, an efficient computer program that simulates a classical universe. [I'm not saying there is any reason to believe thats what going on but if my idea has merit then it means there must be a way of making QM, relativity and determinism consistent which need not involve a computer simulation].

The specific points you raise:
This would produce a quantifiable disparity in the number of times you counted it as "spin-up" vs. "spin-down" as opposed to a particle which is forced to decide by your measurement what axis it is spinning with respect to.

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The 'forced to decide by your measurement' is exactly how an efficient simulation would work. No efficient program would calculate values until they are needed. While all thats needed is the probability function then stick with that, when a value is required then collapse the probability function into a value using a deterministic pseudo-rnd. [it must be best to work this way as most of the time the value is never measured]

The experiments also uphold the quantum-mechanical prediction that entangled particles instantly "know" whether the other has been measured. Measurements of entangled particle B reveal that it knows A is "spin-up" before a light signal relaying that information could
have arrived.

[/ QUOTE ]
In the simulation this is easily understood. The up and down spins are entangled in a probability function but A must be up and B down (or vice verca) when/if they are given values.

Once the up/down of A is forced to be given a value (measured) then the up/down of B is forced to be given the opposite value at the same time, the same time being as fast as the computer can do it. This is necessarily many orders of magnitudes faster than the speed of light within the simulation, which gives the appearance of instant action at a distance.

Its a fanciful idea that came to me when I was working on some artificial life simulations. For efficiancy reasons, a just in time evaluation of values is almost neccesary. It also makes sense to impose a speed limit within the system which prevents a simple newtonian model.

Fanciful idea that floats or a dead duck?

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