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Old 10-28-2005, 12:04 AM
xadrez xadrez is offline
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Location: the island of dr. klahn
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Default Re: pot brownies and bad trips

I used to be a HUGE pothead in High School, beginning of College. One day I smoked some super potent weed and totally bugged, thought I was about to have a heart attack. After that, it was never the same. I would not get paranoid but like horribly anxious and tense.

I tried to alter set, setting, smoke alone, with people i was close with, etc. No matter what I would get the anxiety. So I just stopped smoking one day and have never done it since. The weird part was, I was still able to eat shrooms and other hallucinogens and I could control the effects of those with no problem whatsoever.

I spoke with my parents and oddly enough they stopped smoking years back because of the same thing. Must have something to do with brain chemistry.
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