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Old 10-27-2005, 11:21 PM
TTChamp TTChamp is offline
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Default Re: Help w/ my rent situation

I don't think you are as bad off as most of the replies to this post would indicate because you haven't signed a lease. The land lord would have a difficult time getting you out of there because he has no contract that shows you agreed to pay anything (there are laws that prevent him from just throwing all your stuff out on the street and given that he is so far away he would have problems gitting things done). This guy sounds like amateur hour so I don't think he is going to sick the lawyers on you. You need to make a choice:

1. You can keep things friendly and just call the guy up and try to negotiate. He may say too bad in which case you will have to live with the situation. Up side is that you don't piss off your buddy and you don't have to deal with conflict and legal BS. Downside is that you have to live in a crappy place.

2. You could get a lawyer a stick it to him. A few of my friends had some seriuous issues with their apartments and had to go this route. Based on your story, your landlrd doesn't really have a leg to stand on. Upside to going with the lawyer is that this would get results and possibly save you on rent. Downside is that it is a major hassle, may cost you legal fees, will piss off your buddy, and may ultimately require that you move during classes.

If I were you I would go with option #1 because:
-You are in college so you won't be living in this house long.
-You are young so you probobly don't care very much about the quality of the house you are living in.
-You don't want to make things wierd with your buddy.

-The true litmus test is if the house is so bad that it is limiting the amount of ass you are bagging. You are in college, so IMO anything that distracts you from scoring with as many chicks as possible is a waste of time. Once you get out of school it is orders of magnitude more difficult to get with girls so take advantage.

-In summary, spend 20 minutes calling the guy up and trying to negotiate then hang up the phone and look for a coed to [censored].
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