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Old 10-19-2003, 12:36 PM
Mike Mike is offline
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Default Re: Trying to help a fellow player - feedback please!

Two thing, first a true story.

There is a boy in my extended family who at eight years old could beat anyone who played him at chess. He learned chess moves by watching the Ninja Turtles on TV he used to say. When things got tough he would say out loud, "What would the Ninja Turtle do?" His game wasn't textbook, but he knew what had to happen on the end and he did it.

Of course many of the adults he beat started explaining to him about the bad plays he made against them and insisted he modify his playing style. Now this boy is 14, and can barely beat a beginning child player. There are some things to be said about developing your own game style and making mistakes along the way.

Secondly, I understand he is your friend, but it is his money, and maybe he plays for different reasons than yourself? What is more important to you, your friendship or his poker?
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