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Old 10-27-2005, 07:17 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Why do people love israel so much??

Israel was created only 60 years ago, and yet many people talk about itas if it has always existed. The terms of it's inception are similar to the Indians taking back a chunk of the US because they lived there once. Why do the Jews deserve their own state at all? The Palestinians dont have their own state, the Catholics dont have their own state, the kurds dont have their own state, etc. What makes the Jews sospecial that they get their own country adn allowed to rule over a people who were already living there. Makes no sense.

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If the United States were STILL TODAY gravely mistreating Native Americans, then I would think that Native Americans would deserve the option to have their own state or more. Similarly for American blacks. Thankfully, neither group is systematically being mistreated today.

Much of the world--Europe, Russia, and the Middle East-- mistreated the Jews and discriminated against them for many centuries. After the holocaust, the U.N. came to the arrangement that the Jews would get land for a state. Both Jews and Arabs lived on that land at the time.

If the world didn't long mistreat the Jews so severely, I would not think they would need their own state. But the world did so mistreat them, and so too did the Arabs. And a great many Arabs and Persians still today hold vast prejudice against the Jews, and would mistreat them OR WORSE given the chance. The Jews need a place of their own as a refuge or sanctuary from the ignorant, stupid, brutal and aggressive world outside--which in many places wants to systematically mistreat, subjugate, and eliminate the Jews--or at minimum to treat them legally as second-class citizens (much of the Middle East has laws that Jews and Gentiles do not get the same rights that Muslims do, and do not get full legal status as human beings; but their deepest hatreds are reserved for the Jews).

Yes, it must have sucked to be a displaced Palestinian originally, but they should have moved on by now--just like every other displaced people throughout history has moved on. It IS possible to move on and eventually make lemonade out of lemoins, you know. Israel was created legally according to the U.N., and you can blame the other Arab countries for not helping their own brethren assimilate, and for instead using them cynically as pawns against the hated Jews.

Creating Israel was not a perfect solution, but neither would it have been a perfect solution to leave the Jews out in the cold, to be predated upon by the world, using every form of discriminatory hatred, and legally codified second-class status. It's a cruel world out there and the ignorant elements of the world picked on the Jews for so long and so hard that the more civilized world finally woke up after the holocaust and said, "Hey, these guys could really use a place of their own, a refuge--let's see what we can come up with along those lines."

That's what happened and that's why Israel, in my opinion.

The Palestinian plight, which the Palestinians themselves have exacerbated immensely and tragically, might require another thread.
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