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Old 10-27-2005, 05:23 PM
Darryl_P Darryl_P is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 158
Default Re: Is there inherent, observable randomness in the universe?

I am familiar with the double slit experiment, or at least the key point it makes about a particle having to go through both at once, and it is very interesing indeed, but as you said in your last few lines, I don't see how it proves inherent randomness since there could theoretically be a host of explanations involving knowledge we don't have yet, not all of which involve inherent randomness.

Instead I see humans invoking prob+stats the same way they do for everything else, ie. to give at least partial explanations for something they don't have full explanations for -- which is very good indeed and much better than nothing IMO.
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