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Old 10-27-2005, 03:42 PM
Firefly Firefly is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 73
Default Re: congrats. you guys win

Please stay.
While you will not find my name on any of these posts over the last few days, i feel that you and betgo have been very cordial discussion what is obviously (and possibly not correct) theory.
It takes guts to post something that is completely out of the norm of poker and then attempt to defend it with tact and intelligence. I found that i had to evaluate certain concepts in terms of my small stack play and possible +EV of a short stack.
In short, please stay, i'd just stay away from this crazy debate/flamewar this has turned into. Take a week or so off the site and come back. We have a short memory here and you will be accepted back with open arms.
Alex (Firefly)