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Old 10-27-2005, 03:29 PM
TheMainEvent TheMainEvent is offline
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Default Need office gift idea

OK, so I've been working the same job on-campus job for the last few years, and the people I work for here are the absolute best and would do/have done anything for me. I'm going to be leaving after the fall and I want to show my appreciation by giving a gift 'to the office'.

We have a fun, friendly atmosphere, and in the past one of my bosses has occasionally bought a gift for us to use here, i.e., a gumball machine or a dartboard. I want to get something similar. It should be something fun and diversionary and unique that doesn't take up too much space. Something that can sit on a small table or hang up on the wall would be ideal. I want to keep it under $50, more is OK if it's really good but it would probably be awkward if it's too expensive. I really really want it to be something creative and good but I'm terrible at gift ideas.

$20 on stars for the idea that I use.
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