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Old 10-27-2005, 11:28 AM
Ironman Ironman is offline
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Default Re: newbie questions plus simple hand


This is a terrible fold.


Could someone with a made low back into a flush? Sure, but I think there was a better way to play this hand from the big blind.

Check raise the flop. Someone with a made low is going to bet this flop, so don't be afraid that it will get checked through. It won't.

Make those A 2's put in two bets for every one of yours.

Turn...I'd try it again. No one with an A 2 is going to let this get past without putting in a bet. If no one bets, then I'd lead the river making them think you are the one with A 2. The week lows might actually fold.

River...I'd check call. But I certainly wouldn't fold because of the flush.

By the way, 9 vpip is probably too low. As you feel more comfortable with the game, open up to include more A 3 and A 4 hands in the right positions with the right complimenting cards.

Good luck,

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