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Old 10-27-2005, 11:04 AM
Black Aces 518 Black Aces 518 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 53
Default Re: Would you hedge USC, if you were up on them from pre-season?

There is real feeling that Texas is the best team in the country.

[/ QUOTE ]

Says who? Both polls with actual people voting have Texas #2 by a substantial margin.

Not that it is in the BCS, but the latest MCS poll (Masters Coaches Survey) has Texas receiving 13 of 16 #1 votes. It's not like these people don't know football either: the list: Master Coaches

Note: I don't offer this as any indicator of whether Texas will stay in the BCS top two, only to show that plenty of informed observers feel that Texas is the best team in the country right now.
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