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Old 10-27-2005, 10:51 AM
RunDownHouse RunDownHouse is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 165
Default Re: How far have you driven in one shot?

A friend and I drove from Fallon, NV straight through to KC, KS. We were going to take it easy going from San Jose to KC, but his Bronco broke down at 1:30 AM Saturday in Fallon. Had to wait until Monday for shops to open and fix it since it needed to go on a lift. It absolutely sucked sleeping the rest of Friday night in the Bronco, then learning we would be spending the weekend in Fallon. Once we got on the road again, I realized how lucky we were, because just east of Fallon is a sign that says, "Eli - 330 miles." Not a whole lot of good places to break down between Fallon and Eli.

Anyways, losing the weekend put us behind so we had to drive straight through. I took the night shift, and started about 8pm on the western side of the Rockies. My friend took over around 9am in Kansas, and I was so hopped up on No Doz and sunflower seeds that I couldn't get to sleep until that afternoon.
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