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Old 10-27-2005, 10:38 AM
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Default Re: Condorcet Voting Method

The "Condorcet Method" is any voting system that uses the Condorcet criteria in determining the winner. The Copeland system is an implementation of that, but it's not a very good one, in my opinion. Copeland assigns points to wins & losses, and then tallys those points to get a final number. It makes it easier for the less-informed to understand, but there are better ways that avoid picking the wrong winner.

Also, Condorcet & Copeland meet the Pareto condition. In your example (which is just like mine), "A" wins, and is not less preferred to any other candidate.

The worst part about Condorcet, is that you can get results where no candidate wins all the pair-wise "elections". Observe:

10: A>B>C
8: B>C>A
3: C>A>B

Here, A beats B, B beats C, and C beats A. There are ways to determine the winner, though... by dropping the person that is the "weakest" win (in this case, C beats A with 11 votes, so is dropped).
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