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Old 10-27-2005, 12:47 AM
TheHammer24 TheHammer24 is offline
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Default Re: Responses

This is not TheHammer24, just a friend of his. I want to share his opinion with you on the matter. FWIW, there is a very high liklihood that this will work. This however does not make it a good idea. There is absolutely no way I risk the legal costs and the possible jail time, the head ache of always wondering if the Police are going to catch me is enough to not make me wnat to do it. But here's why it would most likely work:

1. Dave, realizing he owed him 700 dollars, may be a lot less likely to call the bank, call the police, etc. He got pwned, will realize this, and be done.

2. Law Enforcement Won't Care! 700 dollars! There are far more important money laundering cases out there. For them to invest resources into the investigation, court fees, public defender, etc. it would be easier to pay Dave the 700 dollars he lost.

3. Party Poker Barrier. Party Poker is not going to be super cooperative, and even if they were willing to help in an investigation, the police would be reluctant to go to them as they are over seas etc.

But that being said, don't do it. It's just stupid. Kick his ass and tell him to pay you. Morally, this is 100% justified, but in no way worth the headache.
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