Thread: Total Scum Bags
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Old 10-26-2005, 09:00 PM
DVaut1 DVaut1 is offline
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Default Re: Total Scum Bags

I agree. The liberal agenda is brilliant. It ensures a permanet support base of disenfranchised.

[/ QUOTE ]

Comrade Weatherman, and anyone else who this may concern: the “Keep the Poor Disenfranchised to Maintain a Base of Support” is Chapter 5 of the Official Liberal Agenda Handbook, right after "How to Dominate the Media" and directly before "How to Control the Nation's Colleges and Universities".

Clearly, subjugating the poor is in Our best interests - at least, that's what the Liberal Overlords tell us.

As standard Liberal Policy, however - remember that the Liberal Agenda is to remain extremely classified, and you are only to drop hints of Our Plan to the paranoid members of the right, who have seemingly figured Us out, and have been exposing Our devious and underhanded tactics on internet message boards, talk radio, Michelle Malkin’s blog, and the like. The hints will be dropped as merely a diversionary tactic, until the time is ripe for Us to unleash godless Marxist fascism on the unsuspecting, unwashed American rabble We so thoroughly deride from Our ivory towers and limousines.

The hint dropping, while potentially dangerous, is not particularly a threat, as We control the MSM with an iron fist. All I ask is that you continuously review the Liberal Agenda, as such lapses (forgetting Our “Keep the Poor Disenfranchised to Maintain a Base of Support” Plan, for instance) is an egregious violation of Liberal Policy.

If you need supplemental reading material to help with your review, please consult two other Liberal Plans, which are required reading for all who praise The Agenda: the “Great Ones (liberals) Rule Everything" Plan and the "Controlling Liberals Intent (on the) Never-ending Tyranny (of) Our Nation” Plan.

End communication


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